Startup Business
- To develop a new SEZ, interested developer submits application to the One Stop Service Office under the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI).
- The One Stop Service Office coordinates with SEZO and relevant agencies to review application and then report to the Investment Management Committee for approval;
- Once approved, a MOU for feasibility study (FS) will be negotiated and signed with the Government. After the FS endorsed by parties concerned, development contract is negotiated and signed.
- Download Application form.
Interested investors submit application to the One Stop Service (OSS) Unit in the zone for issuance of enterprise registration license and facilitation with other matters.
To further facilitate the investment procedure for both foreign and domestic companies, the Lao government has been pursuing numerous initiatives including developing SEZs aimed to supporting investors and streamlining the process. By eliminating red tape that acts as an obstacle to business operations and conducting one-stop service within each SEZ to improve investment administration system.
Down load Application Form.
Down load Application Form.